
Addresses on the Epistles of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

John’s epistles speak against errors concerning the deity of Christ. In particular, he addresses Gnosticism, Docetism, and Montanism—teachings which have plagued the church ever since John’s first warnings. Ironside’s commentary on 1, 2, & 3 John serves as an excellent starting point for discussions about false teachings in the church today.

be sure of this much—that as God reserved the writings of the Apostle John for the close of the apostolic age, He kept the best wine until the last. In the Gospel of John we have eternal life as manifested in the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. In the epistles of John we have eternal life as manifested now in the children of God, those who through grace have been born into His family. In the last verse of the twentieth chapter of the Gospel the apostle gives his reason for writing that particular
Pages 9–10